31 October 2015

For Beloved One Melasleep Whitening Vitamin C Essence

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My Thoughts

I find that the essence really works.  

It doesn't have a perfume scent.  I use it at night after toner and before moisturizer.  I love it that t's easily absorbed into the skin and with daily use, my skin has gotten alot brighter and the dark spots are so much lightened.  

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28 October 2015

Reader's Digest Books

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Midweek Meals Made Easy
Bake with Love

worth $89.90

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I got them from ILoveReading.SG Pte Ltd

14 October 2015

13rushes Flat Top - Foundation Brush

 13rushes Flat Top - Foundation Brush

We got them from Majolica Majorca Singapore

12 October 2015

3-piece Macaron Gift Set

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3-piece Macaron Gift Set

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Its nice that they giveaway macarons and arranged to meet at Starbucks Coffee Raffles City after working hours on a weekday, but I think no need to waste time purposely go there just to collect some cheapkate prize, unless you are working nearby or will pass by on your way home.

10 October 2015

The Face Shop, Belif, VDL $100 Voucher

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The Face Shop, Belif, VDL $100 Voucher

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I got them from LG Singapore

I'm so happy to win them cos I love Korean beauty products alot. Although I can't buy much with $100, I'm still happy.  

It's so nice of LG to allow the winners to collect the vouchers at their Customer Service Centre in Alexandra.  Even though I waited for more than 2 hours with the queue number to collect them, I'm happy.  Cos it's so much convenient than to collect them during my office hours at their office in Suntec City.  Now, I don't have to take leave, I hope they will always do it this way.

03 October 2015

Wholistic Health Therapies

CapitaVoucher  $50

1 Free Trial Session 

02 October 2015

Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Mask

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My Thoughts

I kinda love this mask.  The paper mask is soaked with lots of essence.  It doesn't come with a nice scent, but got a kind of weird slightly stinky scent.  The thick and hard mask sticks on really well to the face.

I use it twice a week at night and leave it on till it dries up.  However, the mask will never be fully dried.  Even after overnight, it will still be damp.  I don't like it that the essence leaves the skin really sticky for a long time.  But I love it that everytime after using it, my skin will become so moist and bouncy.  My skin feels so good that I can keep on poking the bouncy skin on my cheeks.

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One box has 4 sheets of individually wrapped 20ml mask

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